Monday, April 18, 2011

Ignite - benefits of tribulus terrestris for men

Modern research is backing traditional medicine's use of tribulus terrestris as a beneficial herb for sexual activity and improving muscular strength.
It supports erection and helps sexual arousal. Happy Families herbal Ignite, a leader in herbal products for sexual health, contains 190mg of tribulus terrestris extract (equiv 2.28 dry leaf) in every capsule, together with avena sativa and horny goat weed.
Benefits of Tribulus for Men
Whether your desire is to return your sex life to what it was in younger years or build a stronger, more masculine body, tribulus terrestris can assist as:
An aid for normal erection
Possibly improved quality and quantity of sperm
Helping athletes in building muscle mass and strength
It is non-hormonal
Tribulus increases testosterone
It has been proven tribulus terrestris can increase the amount of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) produced by the body's pituitary gland. LH stimulates the testes to secret the male hormone testosterone.
Studies in Bulgaria in the 1980s revealed men who had been unable to achieve an erection or with low libido showed significant improvement from taking tribulus terrestris extract. A follow-up study on healthy men aged 28 - 45 showed a 30%+ increase in testosterone after five days of taking a 250mg capsule three times a day.
Tribulus balances hormone levels
While tribulus terrestris supports and assists the body's natural production of testosterone it should be clearly understood tribulus terrestris is not a hormone supplement. By promoting production of the body's own hormones, it works only within the body's natural limits to help men achieve their strength and muscular potential.
Tribulus terrestris will not cause the body to indefinitely produce more and more testosterone, rather it balances natural hormone levels.
Tribulus increases sperm count
The European research also showed tribulus terrestris extract can significantly improve the quantity and quality of sperm. It should be noted that sperm needs 80 days to reach maturity, so researchers recommend that men hoping for improved sperm quality take tribulus terrestis for at least this length of time.
Tribulus - a muscle builder and sports supplement
As a sports supplement, tribulus terrestris is no quick fix. It will only help to improve strength in conjunction with an exercise program that places muscles under strain and then allows them to recover.
Tribulus lowers cholesterol and aids angina
Some research evidence suggests tribulus terrestris may be useful in lowering cholesterol through its action on the liver. One researcher described it as "one of the ideal medicines to treat angina pectoris." Chinese research on 406 cases of angina showed an 82% improvement. It had the effect of dilating the coronary artery system. It was also found to have no adverse action on blood and renal systems when taken long term, and no other unwanted side effects.
Tribulus Safe To Use
No adverse effects to the central nervous or cardiovascular systems were noted in any of the studies where were undertaken. No know negative effects presently exist where tribulus is used as a dietary supplement.
