Monday, April 18, 2011

tribulus terrestris benefits: increases testosterone levels by increasing luteininzing hormone (LH) levels

Tribulus terrestris is a plant that grows in tropical climates. The part of the plant from which there is the most interest lies in the root. This plant has been used around the world for a variety of ailments. It has been used as an herbal supplement diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and as a mood enhancing tonic.

The most noted benefits of tribulus terrestris is it's use in treating sexual deficiencies. It has been used in Asia and Bulgaria for years to treat libido and infertility problems. Tribulus terrestris is a non-hormonal herb that restores and improves libido in men as well as improving and prolonging (no pun intended) the duration of erections. Tribulus terrestris increases the number of sperm and the mobility of them.

The reasons for all of this are that somehow tribulus terrestris increases testosterone levels by increasing luteininzing hormone (LH) levels. LH is the hormone that signals the body to start making natural testosterone. There is a study involving individuals taking 750 mg per day of tribulus terrestris. It showed that LH increased from 14.38 ml/U/ml to 24.75 ml/U/ml (which is a 72% increase in LH). Free testosterone went from 60 ng/dl to 84.5 ng/dl (which is an increase of 41%). These increases in testosterone are why bodybuilders have interest in using this supplement. They have been experiencing increases in muscle size, stamina, and strength.

Tribulus Side Effects:Tribulus has been used for quite a long time, and no studies have found any adverse side effects of Tribulus. Again, one of the major benefits of Tribulus is that it's not a hormone and only helps increase testosterone by increasing the level of Luteinizing Hormones (LH). The only adverse side effect experienced is an upset stomach, which can be helped if taken with food.

I have tried this supplement and I am not going to tell you that it works like steroids but you definitely see an increase in intensity during your workouts. A good supplement formula containing it is Andro-Shock.
