Monday, April 18, 2011

the purified extract of Tribulus terrestris : Treat Impotence Without Drugs

Although they are often dismissed as ineffective solutions to impotence, more and more clinical research studies have found that herbs can help impotent men.

Some of the most popular herbs available on the market today are tribulus, yohimbe, ginkgo biloba, and others. Although they are generally safe and free of side effects (unlike chemical drugs), it is important to know that the quality of their extraction and preparation processes varies widely.

One of the most promising herbs is the purified extract of Tribulus terrestris found in the Libilov for Men supplement. To date, its effects on treating impotence and other sexual dysfunctions have been extensively studied.

Tribulus had been used as traditional medicine to treat sexual dysfunction and male infertility in Europe and Asia for many decades before improvement in scientific extraction techniques allowed identification of its active ingredient, called protodioscin.

More than nine clinical studies performed by six universities and academic hospitals on this purified extract have confirmed the herb's beneficial effect. These studies showed that Tribulus helps treat impotence caused by low testosterone level or an imbalance in the body's level of sex hormones. The active ingredient of Tribulus acts as a natural precursor to these hormones and is converted into its final forms by the body's own natural enzymes.

Other studies have suggested that Tribulus also acts by increasing the level of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a naturally occurring substance in the body believed to be important for a healthy sex drive.

In all, these studies proved that Tribulus works very well in curing sexual dysfunctions and maximizing sexual performance when taken regularly. It does not work immediately, however; Tribulus shows positive effects only after two to three months. No known side effects are linked with this herb.

A note of caution: Although there are many Tribulus extracts available over the counter today, almost all of these have been found not to contain any significant amount of the active ingredient. Be sure to select a Tribulus extract that contains at least 45% protodioscin.

For more information on Tribulus and Libilov for Men, visit
