Monday, April 18, 2011

Q. What is Tribulus Terrestris?


Tribulus Terrestris

Q. What is Tribulus Terrestris?

A. Tribulus Terrestris has been the secret weapon Bulgaria. It
has been used extensively and with apparent great
effectiveness by Bulgarian strength athletes.

Tribulus Terrestris is the closest and strongest all natural
herbal alternative to synthetic anabolic hormones. This
non-hormonal supplement is proven to increase testosterone
levels in humans.

Q. What does Tribulus Terrestris do?

A. Tribulus Terrestris causes your body to release luteinizing
hormone, which in turn then signals your testicles to
naturally produce more testosterone. But Tribestan also
prevents your body from recognizing that is producing high
levels of testosterone, so your body will not try to then lower
it luteinizing hormone levels. So your testosterone level
stays high.

Since testosterone promotes protein synthesis and positive
nitrogen balance, the benefits for the athlete are muscle cell
growth and increased body strength, as well as faster
recuperation and recovery from muscular stress. This
together with its diuretic effect promotes the lean, hard
muscular look. Other additional benefits are increased
immunity, lowered cholesterol levels, increased self
confidence, improved workout attitude and better mood
in general.

Q. Is Tribulus Terrestris safe?

A. Yes! Used as directed Tribestan is completely non-toxic,
safe and very effective.

Q. Are there any side effects from taking Tribulus Terrestris?

Tribulus Terrestris is a completely natural product with no
contradictions, no toxicity and no side effects. Taken as
directed you’ll experience no negative side effects. You will
notice an improved feeling of well being, more energy,
healthier sex drive, better appetite, lower body fat levels,
and improved athletic performance. When training with
weights you will increase strength and lean muscle mass
as well as increase your desire to train.

Q. Should people that take steroids or prohormones use
Tribulus Terrestris?

A. When taking external sources of testosterone, your body
can decrease it's own natural testosterone production.
Tribulus Terrestris keep your own bodies testosterone
level high.

Also Tribulus Terrestris can help someone trying to get off
steroids by jump-starting the bodies natural testosterone
production back to normal levels, thus eliminating the
usual losses in mass and strength.

Q. How should Tribulus Terrestris be taken?

A. A typical cycle is 8 weeks long followed by 2 weeks
off. People under 200 lbs take 1 tablet every 8 hours
(3 times a day, durring meals), and people over
200 lbs take 2 tablets every 8 hours (3 times a day,
durring meals).

Q. Should Tribulus Terrestris be taken on days you
don’t train?

A. Yes! Just follow the same time-dose schedule. It is
very important to take Tribulus Terrestris and other
supplements on your non-workout days as these are
critical recovery days where your body will utilize the
hormones and nutrients for muscle growth and repair.

Q. Can Tribulus Terrestris be taken with Creatine and

Yes and we highly recommend it. These are completely
different supplements that work on completely different
pathways. They will not interfere with one another and
only act to complement each supplement’s effect.

Example: Tribulus Terrestris for increasing testosterone.
Creatine for buffering ATP and increasing cell volume.
Protein for higher nitrogen levels and increased protein

Q. Can Tribulus Terrestris cause "Gyno" or "bitch-tits"?

A. Gynecomastia is caused by excessive estrogen in the
body of males. Tribulus Terrestris does not cause
excessive estrogen, in fact it will normalize estrogen
levels in your body, including bringing it down if it was
too high.

Q. Is Tribulus Terrestris safe for women?

A. Yes! Tribulus Terrestris will increase Testosterone levels
in women, but not enough to cause masculinizing effects.
Tribulus Terrestris is perfect for women looking to build
muscle and lose fat.

Note: Women taking Tribulus Terrestris need to stop taking
it 5 days before thier period and resume after. Tribulus
Terrestris can increase follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
in women. (FSH levels do not increase in men taking
Tribulus Terrestris).

Q. Will Tribulus Terrestris show up on a drug test?

A. Tribulus Terrestris increases your bodies own natural
testosterone production, it is not an outside source of
Testosterone that will show up on a drug test.


No other product on the market today possesses all body
shaping, performance and health benefits Tribulus terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris isn't on any Food & Drug Administration
"list" of controlled or illegal substances. Tribulus Terrestris
has passed all the drug tests on every competitive level.
Because of its safety and desirable benefits, this is great
dietary supplement for every level of physical activity.
Tribulus Terrestris has been used with significant results
by top professional athletes as well as recreational sport

Now you can raise the levels of your anabolic hormones
safely with Tribulus Terrestris. Add the zest and strength
to your workout, recover faster, improve your sex life,
stamina and sense of well being.

Note: Tribulus terrestris is just one of the supplements
in our new powerful Andro-Shock
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