Tribulus Terrestris Benefits
Erectile dysfunction drugs are hugely popular today but erectile dysfunction drugs are just that; drugs.
Drugs come with side effects, you take the good with the bad.
If you are looking for a safe alternative for ED drugs, take a look at Tribulus Terrestris.
A brief history of Tribulus shows us that it is a powerful herb that comes from the flowering plant, of the same name, found in warm & tropical climates in Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia.
The active compounds are steroidal saponins and the highest concentrations of this substance are found in the leaves of the plant.
In traditional Chinese medicine Tribulus is known as Bai Ji Li and in Indian ayurveda, it is known as gokshura.
Ayurveda has long acknowledged the aphrodisiac effect of this powerful substance.
Indeed, modern studies show that mice taking it showed much greater sexual activity!
Users of Tribulus Terrestris report the following benefits...
Elevated Libido
Stronger Erections
Increased Energy
Increased Muscle Mass
A Decrease in Male Menopause Symptoms
Increased Fertility and Sperm Count
Nature has provided herbs that when taken correctly can effectively act as safe and drug free alternatives.
Used for generations before us, Tribulus Terrestis is a safe, highly effective herb for treating erectile dysfunction and low testosterone levels.
Known side effects to Tribulus Terrestris are rare, most notably, a dull headache if you take too much.
Remember, more is NOT better when it comes to supplementation.
Take standard doses and you will minimize the chance of any side effects.
For information on more than a dozen other herbs you can take to treat erectile dysfunction and low testosteorne levels,
Tribulus Terrestris Benefits @
Article Source:
Article Source:!-How-Tribulus-Can-Supercharge-Your-Libido!&id=2710397